A Life without Limits


What do you believe to be true about life, the world and yourself?

I've always been a dreamer but recently my ideas about what's possible for my life have been expanding. It’s like these internal walls that I didn’t even know I had are being completely destroyed and my mind is opening to new possibilities, new ways of thinking and being in the world. It’s super exciting and it got me thinking about how so much of what we achieve in life is determined by what we think is possible. So today I wanted to have a chat about limiting beliefs - how to recognise when they are holding you back and how to overcome them to reach your full potential.

Our beliefs are what influences our thoughts which in turn shapes our reality. If you believe that life is a struggle to be endured, it will be. If you believe you were born to make manifest the Glory of God within you, then you will.

A limiting belief is the story we make up about why we can’t do something. It’s an idea that stops us from reaching our full potential by making us think we’re not worthy, capable or deserving.

It can be passed down by our parents and their parents before them, or ideas we pick up along the way from influential people in our life - friends, teachers, leaders in your community, or even experiences you’ve had in your past.

A lot of the time these beliefs exist in our 'subconscious’ - below the level of conscious awareness - so we might not even realise we have them - but they are constantly governing our decisions and the way we show up in the world.

Have you ever had an amazing idea or thought about something you really wanted to do or achieve but almost as soon as it came up, another thought popped into your head that said, ‘There is no way you could do that’.

You could have been so excited about something but then all of a sudden you have all these reasons why it won’t work you’re not smart enough, you don’t have enough money, can you imagine what everyone would think?

THESE are limiting beliefs.

Think about it, if I believe I am capable of having a wildly successful career that makes me blissfully happy and makes enough money to support my ideal lifestyle, I am then more likely to seek out the people, places and events that are going to make that happen. I’m more aware of opportunities, I’m more likely to persist when times get tough and I’m less likely to listen to the voices who tell me I can’t. If on the other hand I believe that my job is just that thing I do in between days off, then I’m more likely to settle for a career that doesn’t truly fulfil me and doesn’t take advantage of my innate gifts and abilities.

One of the reasons I was so anxious about leaving school and so depressed when I got to Uni was because I thought that was my only option. Because all the voices I was hearing told me that I should aspire to be successful and in this world, success meant getting a degree and working really hard at a 9-5 job for the rest of your life, even if the thought of it makes you sick to your stomach. The belief I held was that, No one likes their jobs. Fulfilment in life is found outside work in things like time with family and romantic relationships. You work to make money and the more money you earn, the more people will respect you.

It wasn’t until I turned around and said, "Wait hold on - What if I don’t want to work 9-5? What if I don’t want to climb the rungs of a corporate ladder? What if I want more from my career than making money? There are obviously people in the world who love their jobs, make money AND use their career to make a difference, why can’t I be one of them?"

And that’s where the magic happens - in asking WHY?

As soon as I questioned those beliefs, a whole new world of possibility opened up to me. I quit my journalism internship, moved to Sydney and enrolled in the Beautiful You Coaching Academy.

So much of what I have already done - moving to Sydney, starting a business, becoming a life coach at 22 - were things that people told me I either couldn’t or shouldn’t do. I have been told that I’m too young to be a life coach and that I should get a real career first and pursue my passion later on - and it’s only because I have this deep inner knowing that this is what I am meant to do and this is why I was put on this earth - that I have held on to the belief that it’s possible for me. And that is what has enabled me to manifest all of these wonderful things in my reality.

Part of living a life without limits is asking, ‘Why not me?’ It’s recognising that the same unlimited potential for greatness that existed in all the world’s most influential humans - Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa - also exists inside you. The only difference is if and how you use it.

Where you’re at in your life right now is a reflection of what’s going on inside you. If there’s an area of your life you can’t seem to move forward, get out your journal or a piece of paper and write down, ‘What beliefs are stopping me from experiencing …’ or ‘What underlying beliefs am I holding on to about…’ and see what comes up. When you’re finished, write “I am willing to release the beliefs that no longer serve me.”

Next, think about what beliefs you want to consciously cultivate - some people call them affirmations. I am worthy of my desires. I am Divinely supported in achieving my dreams. What is coming is greater than anything I leave behind.

There’s always going to be that voice in your head that says, ‘You can’t do that’ - YOUR JOB is to turn around and ask, ‘Why not?’

I hope this video has served you in some way.

Now, I would love to hear from you in the comments, what’s a limiting belief that’s been holding you back and what are you going to replace it with? Remember, there is nothing you can’t do, nothing you can’t have and no limit to what you can become.

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Settling in…

