
I’m Jae. I’m a big ball of energy floating around outer space. At this space in time, I’ve chosen to express myself as an author, speaker and artist. I help deeply intuitive, wildly creative women like you center yourself in your life experience, so you can have the liberated, joyful and impactful journey your Soul came here to have. I’m a “magical realist”. I’m working on balancing the visionary, idealistic feminine and the grounded, practical masculine within myself and what I make. I dream of a world where everyone is doing work they love.

My expertise is helping women find their essential essence, their core, true sense of self and real center. I've been working with clients, mostly women, aged between 16-60 for the last ten years. As a self-projected projector in Human Design, I guide energy. My gift is in reflecting the power, beauty, gifts, skills and value back to the women I work with and helping them use it to create the life they ACTUALLY want.

I use my background in dance, song and performing arts, working with embodied movement and using psychosomatic therapy to help women experience more freedom, pleasure and peace in their bodies. I also draw from my own experience healing myself of bipolar, depression, anxiety, disordered eating and addiction to help women turn their own rock bottom moments into catalysts for awakening and personal transformation. I've written a memoir about this time in my life, which is in the process of getting published.

My greatest joy is helping the next generation of world-changing women overcome the fears and blocks holding them back from accessing their natural vitality, purpose, energy and well-being and living their most wild, creative, free and fully self-expressed life. My deep love and passion for spirituality and the metaphysical also lends itself to women who are ready to access more of their own energetic and spiritual gifts. I'm currently working on a book called "What Am I Doing with my Life?" that supports teenagers in the transition out of school, Gen Z's navigating their early twenties and anyone going through a period of change.

I've had the pleasure of speaking at wellness events and facilitating workshops for teen girls called "Embodying You". (You can check out the highlight on my Instagram) In February 2023 I founded a startup called Mad House (@madhouse_creatorschool). Right now, I'm excited about the writing I've been doing, exploring themes of adventure, intuition, magical living and the courage it takes to live an authentic life.

Read more about me here.


“Right now I truly do unapologetically feel like I can shine my light and be who I am.”

— Andrew Anthony, coaching client

“My only regret is that I hadn’t started coaching sooner.”

— Bonnie Hook, coaching client